Yes, blessing # five is on the way! I tested positive last night. I'm kind of surprised. I usually don't test positive until I'm two weeks late. Although I'm not sure when the date of my last period was (poor recordkeeping, lol) I didn't think I would test positive til around next Tuesday or Wednesday. I still don't feel pregnant, really. I guess I'm tired, but not overly so. Going to bed at an insane hour lately is probably responsible for that. I also had been feeling like I just could not do the diet anymore. Which I guess could be my body's way of saying "stop dieting, you're pregnant, you dummy!"
Anyway, I shouldn't be surprised, since I unfortunately stopped breastfeeding at five months postpartum. I should be more surprised it took so long to get pregnant! But God knows when I'm ready, which is why we trust God with the size of our family. I had a year between the last two pregnancies, and felt ready when I got pregnant. I feel that I'll be ready for another baby when this baby comes, but I wasn't quite feeling ready to be pregnant yet, lol! I don't at all mind the first trimester. It's the third that I hate...it's been getting harder each time. But I shouldn't complain, because my pregnancies are relatively easy. God has been very good to me. He's probably making up for the fact that, due to circumstances beyond my control, all my births have been cesareans.
This does explain why, since I've gone off the diet, I have gained back HALF the weight I lost in a week or so!!! I need to really watch what I eat. If I eat properly in my first trimester, I usually actually lose a bit of weight. Then I stabilize in the second trimester, and gain in the third (partly because I get tired of "watching" what I eat). This time I plan to try the Weston A. Price diet or the Blue Ribbon Baby diet. I've read good things about both. I want to eat really healthy this time. I still plan to reduce my carbs (I think Americans eat WAY too many) but in a healthy way. Most of my carbs will come from fruits and vegetables, and homemade organic whole wheat bread. I have GOT to eliminate the "white stuff" this time...refined carbs, like sugar and white flour. I want to get a grinder so I can grind my own wheat berries as needed. Whole wheat begins to lose nutrients within hours of grinding it.
I hope everyone has had a good Advent!
God bless.