You eat a lot of eggs on the initial part of this diet. You're allowed eggs, meat, and seafood, and just enough fat to cook what you need. I was worried about the cost of meat. But then I realized what people were saying was're just not as hungry on this diet, so you don't eat very much.
My calories so far have ranged from 700-1200. I expect it will stay closer to 700 as my stomach gets used to eating less. The use of mayonnaise really bumps it up. And while you don't have to be overly concerned about your calories on this diet, you do need to watch your fats. If you start slipping and add too much mayo or cheese, you won't lose as fast.
Eggs are less expensive, and easy to eat on the run, too. Just hard boil a bunch, peel, and keep them in the fridge in a ziploc baggie. If you're on your way out the door, grab a couple, slice in half, salt and pepper them, and put in a baggie. Easy to eat in the car. Or, they can be ready for deviled eggs, egg salad, or other recipes.
Here is a link with some great egg recipes: American Egg Board
Keep in mind that their recipes are often not Kimkins-friendly, if you want to follow my diet. But often you can tweak it, replacing milk or half & half with cream + water, reducing or eliminating the cheese, etc. There are also great recipes on MeatandEggersforLife (see sidebar) and the people there are really nice, so they could help you with recipe conversions.
It cracks me up (get it, ha ha) to hear people who are deathly afraid of eggs due to cholesterol. There is so much misinformation out there. Do you know how many people lowered their cholesterol levels on Atkins? A lot. And the diet I'm doing is lower in fat than Atkins anyway. Egg cholesterol is good for you. What is bad for you and your cholesterol levels is the other junk you put in your body...transfats, chemicals, and hundreds of carbs everyday (mostly bad carbs).
I like eggs so this WOE isn't hard for me. Trying to cook steaks properly is, though. Not the greatest cook, and steaks is something I just can't seem to master. Okay, forget master, I can't even keep them from getting tough, lol.
An egg a day keeps the fat away! (Well, three or so is better.)
1 comment:
It's been a couple of it still going well? Update when you can!
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